Natural Gas Plant Debottlenecking Program
Edson Midstream Area connects multiple gas gathering systems to Edson gas plant. LPG debottlenecking project to enhance recovery rates and process rich gas efficiently.

Enhancing Edson Gas Plant Liquid Recovery
The Edson Midstream Area contains the Sundance / Muskeg / Ansell / Medlodge and Erith / Columbia / Minehead Gas Gathering Systems. These systems deliver sweet and sour gas to the Edson gas plant and are connected to the Alliance, TransCanada, and ATCO pipelines.
The Edson Gas Plant LPG debottlenecking project remedied operational issues that negatively impacted liquid recovery rates and allowed processing of additional forecasted rich gas without impacting overall recoveries.
Enhancing Gas Plant Capacity and Efficiency
Engaged in multiple projects centered on Conceptual Studies and Engineering Design, such as the Minehead Inlet Capacity Study and Debottlenecking, where a design was formulated to facilitate additional gas and increased hydrocarbon rates at the Edson gas plant's Minehead Inlet. This design aimed to optimize the 10” Minehead pipeline, reaching a practical operating capacity and a nominal design target of 100mmscfd. Additionally, contributed to Gas Plant Debottlenecking efforts by implementing various upgrades to enhance liquid recovery rates and improve overall natural gas recovery. Conducted the Elkton Inlet Study, involving the development and evaluation of options to accommodate augmented gas and hydrocarbon rates at the Elkton inlet of the Edson Gas Plant. Furthermore, participated in the enhancement of the York Compressor Drive through compressor driver system and control system upgrades.
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